But we ended up going to see Rent at the California Musical Theatre in Sacramento and it was beyond fabulous!
It was also super special because Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp are on this tour and they are original cast members! They are fabulous and every scene that included just the two of them was awesome, they have incredible chemistry. Plus it's cool to think, wow I just watched you in the movie. :)
Here is my super cool brother who put the whole thing together:

Pictures of the ticket...no importance but I am really into close up print photos lately.
Flare for the dramatic much?
I think what I love about theater is the instant gratification, you act, we clap, you sing, we clap some more. It is right there, it is responsive. You should have heard the audience when Anthony and Adam walked on stage, they went crazy because people wanted to see them especially.
Most of the plays/musicals I have been to before have been complex in their sets, which is awesome and I always admire how timely and coordinated everything is. With Rent it is rare that the lights go out for a set change, they just use what they have.
Rent is also so great when it comes to subject matter. People still don't talk about AIDS and the homeless and homosexuals and death. Rent has always affected me on an emotional level and I find that every time I listen to the soundtrack or watch the movie or musical I find myself relating to a new line that runs over and over in my head for weeks. This particular time it was "I own, no emotion, I rent"...I often feel this way. In fact one of my goals is to feel my emotions 100%, to be sad when sad and happy when happy and be present. It's difficult but I think capturing our own emotions helps us discover and find ourselves.
I loved the musical so much that I went home and told Cody about it right away. For just a second he got a flicker in his eye of "oh-I-wish-I-could-have-gone" syndrome and I was online buying tickets for the next night. I couldn't help it, I wanted him to see it, and he wanted to see it too. So we went the next day! He loved it too. And now, I am on a theater kick...
My Way anyone? A musical tribute to Frank Sinatra? Count me in! Or what about this one...?

I have already decided the next time we are in London we are seeing a show in the West End. You should see the tube station, you can't take a step without seeing a new poster for a new show. On any given night you can decide between at least 20 different shows. Sounds wonderful to me!
Thank you Rich! La vie boheme!
Rent live is AWESOME! I saw it in San Francisco our junior year with some people from work with YSC. Did everyone moo in the audience? That's the part I remember the most. Oh yeah and what's her name dancing on the balcony of the strip club. Anyhoo - Jacqueline, Renee, and Renee's sisters when to the city and saw Wicked last month and I couldn't go because I'd already taken time off work to go to the cabin for Ant's birthday. I definitely want to go though!