Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It's Tuesday (enter long dramatic sigh).

Tuesdays are a toughy. Here's why:

5:45 AM: Alarm goes off. Curse the Heavens.

6:00 AM: Log into work and deal with some morons.

11:00 AM: Sign out of work (usually seething).

11:15 AM: Putter around my room getting ready.

11:45 AM: Grab snacks (if prepared) and walk out the door.

12:00 PM: Biofeedback session where I am supposed to relax (zzzz...zzzz....).

12:57 PM: Walk out of Biofeedback and across the hall to class.

1:00 PM: Introduction to Counseling (mind your p's and q's).

4:40 PM: Eat snack and walk to next class.

5:00 PM: Buckle in for Biofeedback (no small feat).

8:40 PM: Walk out of Biofeedback. Meet Cody (so I am not raped walking home).

9:00 PM: Walk in front door crying. Make dinner?

10:00 PM: Get in bed. Set alarm for 5:45 AM. Curse the Heavens.

1 comment:

  1. you'll get through it - don't worry. keep your head up and it will all be worth it. oh yeah and move back to the bay area ASAP before you do anything else so we can hang out. OK? ok!
