Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grandmotherly Advice: Husbands and Sports Edition

Recently my grandma has given me a piece of advice in regards to husbands and sports. You see, my grandpa is really into sports and he spends a vast majority of his time watching, debating and catching up on his favorite teams. My grandma, at the beginning of things, didn't really "get it". But, she made the decision to get involved and get educated. Now, you can mention pretty much any player, team, announcer or coach and she can offer up an opinion. An educated opinion.

This year, I really, genuinely tried. I wouldn't say my opinion is educated exactly. But it is better then it was. I think a real turning point for me was when Cody and I were watching the Rose Bowl and I shouted at the t.v. something along the lines of "What is WRONG with you guys, this is FOOTBALL!! You are SUPPOSED to hit him, I don't care if he's 6'6. JESUS, what is their PROBLEM??!!"

I think Cody may have teared up a bit. It was a deep bonding experience for the two of us. I think.

Wait...wait. No, I remember now. He responded with a roll of the eyes and something along the lines of "Oh my god, Christina, you don't understand it so just shhh."

In reality, I did understand it. And they should have been hitting harder. Cody was just pissy because his team lost. So the reality was, he was tearing up because those poor Duckies of his didn't win. BUT...we still bonded.

Because I knew what I was talking about. And more importantly, he knew that I knew what I was talking about. And even if that truth pissed him off, because, well, let's face one wants to hear that their team deserved to lose; at least I wasn't sitting there going, "Okay thank god that's over, can you pay attention to me now??"

I had an opinion about a football game. And a team. And I knew that the main guys name was Masoli. Did I know his position or the coaches name or anything else? No. But I knew a little.

It's called progress, people! Progress.

What can I say: If you can't beat um, join um!

Cheers Grandma!

Now it is so fun to do things like the following to Cody: As we are sitting down watching March Maddness highlights (yay!) I spit out, "I can't believe Kansas lost. And in the second round no less! Everyone picked them to take the whole thing, didn't you? Is that why your bracket is now busted darling??" Cody responds by blinking rapidly, saying something very smart like "Umm, uhh yea, it is" and then spends the next few minutes in confused silence as we have not actually watched any March Maddness together. Priceless.

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