...a very good place to start.
My camera tells me I left off at the 4
th of July.
Yes, I know it is almost September.

Grandma Sandy. Gorgeous!

My cousin Max.

Cody and Aunt Tracy, these two always end up next to
each other.

Decorations. Spirit.
Ect. :)

Rich, Aaron, Grandpa and Randy among others.

Please look at the conversation going on between my mom and my brother. I know that look, it doesn't look promising.

This is my grandpa, one time something happened to do with gas and pipes or whatever (I tuned out when he explained it to me) on my grandpa's BBQ and flames started coming off the edges of the handles. This was back in the day when we had little
uns running around and I will always remember the moms snatching up children left and right, keeping them as far away from my grandpa's BBQ as possible. I'll also remember my grandpa trying to turn off the handles without burning himself. I think this story is mentioned every Fourth. Those little
uns are now in high school.

This is my mom, my Uncle Brian and my Aunt Barb. My Aunt Barb is the life of the party, any party, all parties. She is the best. I always refer to Brian (her son) as the ultimate Frat guy, not the gross ones, the really popular and tan ones. Brian is also awesome.
Wouldgya look at this?? Three generations of
sittin' around doing nothing. While...

The ladies hustle and bustle to get things ready. Typical.
I love Fourth of July with the family. Great food. Super casual. Lots of love and conversation in the air. I truly have the best family ever, I especially remember that on the Fourth.
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