Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This weekend my brother came up to visit me, during his visit he convinced me to watch the movie Up. I was hesitant, I had heard that the film was wonderful but I had also been avoiding most of the recent Disney films, they just haven't been making them like they used to.

When did people decide that the motherless princess thing was used up? That Price Charming versus the most evil female villain alive was no longer interesting? Whoever made that executive decision obviously did not seek my opinion.

I miss Ariel.

Anyways, so there we are preparing for Up. Ten seconds in, I was hooked. I loved it.

I could really relate to the little old man in the film. He had a dream to go to South America with his wife and over time, they just got so caught up in daily life that they forgot about their dream.

I am super terrified that this will happen to me too. My new goal is to embrace my youth. I am still young and I still have a lot of opportunities in front of me. I've got no mortgage, no kids, no husband, no super important job and I should take advantage of it.

I want to make a bucket list of sorts and then do something really radical.

Actually do it.

Perhaps I will even post it here so that I will be forced to do it. Or at least be reminded of it.

What's on your bucket list? What things have you done? What things have you forgotten?

What things matter?

1 comment:

  1. great movie. ask me about my list after i've moved, finished this semester and figured out how to property dispatch my techs. :)
