Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time Is Passing

The semester is almost over, we only have about a month left. I am a bit stunned. This is not unusual, I often feel this way at the end of the semester. Surprised that I survived, mostly. How did I get here? Wasn't it just August?

Where does time go?

I suppose it doesn't really go anywhere because it isn't alive and therefore a verb can't be applied to the concept and secondly, it is a human invention so how can it leave us?

Time passes.


Oops, "passes" is a verb too. Whatever you get what I am saying. Right? Hello? Is there anybody out there? (tap tap) Is this thing on????

Where was I? Time was passing.

And what do we do with it? I do the wrong things. I do the things I should do instead of the things I want to do. But don't we all?

What makes up the shoulds of our lives? Cultural norms, familial expectations, job limitations, financial obligations?

What makes up the wants? Dreams, aspirations, selfishness, hunger, self-actualization?

I prefer the latter.

But will I change? I would like to think so. I would like to think that if I really felt I was wasting time I could re-evaluate my life and prioritize according to my goals. According to things that matter to me.

But I am human.

So maybe I will, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll wish I did. Maybe I won't.

Do others feel this way? I am sure they do. As a psych major I am pretty sure that all feelings are relatable and very rarely are they unique.

What things do people out there do because they think they should? What do you want to do? What do you wish you had done? What do you still hope to do?

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