It actually started with her...

And her...

And their ability to branch out and do something incredible. They decided to study abroad.
In Spain.
Can you say jealous???
To be honest I was mostly just jealous of the gall it took to commit to a foreign land for a year without ever having been there. They had the cojones (note: like my fab spanish skills?) to take advantage of an awesome opportunity and I was stuck here in my self made and maintained straightjacket.
Can you say boring???
So I did what any reasonable person would do...I started dreaming about visiting them. Hmm, bold. I started dreaming and him...

And let me just mention that Cody here is the King of Home Bodys, that is actually his middle name. Not really. And Cody King of Home Bodys was NOT having it.
"No way, Christina, that is not happening, we don't have the money, we don't have the time, we don't have the cojones."
All were great arguments but none of them topped Christina On A Mission. That is my middle name. Not really.
So I came back with "Yes way, Cody, it is SO happening! We will spend half as much money if we do this now then we would at any other point in our lives. And do you really want to live your life thinking about money all the time??? And we do have this handy seven week long break in the middle of the year. And I think we should also go to London! Oh and darling sweet Cody would you please look at this picture...?"

It was right about here that the Heavens parted and Baby Jesus descended with clouds full of angels singing behind him and just like that, it was decided...because I had found perhaps the only thing Cody loves more then America...a hamburger. And you can bet that I am shallow enough to use it as a bargaining chip. So we decided, Spain would be our frontier with a pit stop at Gormet Burger in London on the way (more on that later).
That's right people! I was going to Spain. And London. And I was bringing Cody the Connoisseur of Hamburgers along with me (Note: like my fab French skills? I think I am ready for another trip...).
We had the cojones!!!
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